Homicide: Life On Repeat
A rewatch podcast of the groundbreaking TV series Homicide: Life on the Street, with two of the show's stars Kyle Secor & Reed Diamond.
Contact: homicidelor@gmail.com
Homicide: Life On Repeat
Episode 108: And The Rockets' Dead Glare (Special Guest: Adam Mallinger)
Kyle And Reed weren’t sure what to make of this episode…luckily they were joined by the wise and wonderful Adam Mallinger (AKA: The Bitter Script Reader) who sorted it all out for them!
Adam brings the knowledge and has all the Homicide facts at his brilliant finger tips. Plus: an in depth discussion of urinals, 80’s Ski Movies, hemp and the US Constitution. Enjoy!
We know there are a lot of you out there who know a heck of a lot about Homicide: Life On The Street! If there is anything we missed, or if you have questions you’d like addressed on future episodes, hit us up at homicidelor@gmail.com with the episode title in the subject line.